Local 776 organizer Mark Cicak has been hard at work growing Teamster Power at Local 776. Recently Mark has organized the following employee groups:
Organizing Update
Lower Swatara Township Non-Uniformed
On September 29, 2017, Teamsters Local 776 filed a petition for representation with the PA Labor Board on behalf of the public works department, municipal authority department and clerical staff of Lower Swatara Township. On December 13, 2017, the PA Labor Board held a secret ballot election where all eligible employees voted and an overwhelming majority voted in favor of joining Teamsters Local 776. On December 21, 2017, the PA Labor Board certified Teamsters Local 776 as the exclusive representative of the Lower Swatara Township Non-uniformed members.

These Lower Swatara Township members are all smiles since joining the Teamsters!
Lower Swatara Township Police Department
On January 29, 2018, Local 776 filed a petition for representation with the PA Labor Board for the Police Officers of Lower Swatara Township. On May 24, 2018, the Pennsylvania Labor Board held a secret ballot election in which all eligible employees voted in favor of representation from Local 776. On June 4, 2018, the Labor Board certified Teamsters Local 776 as the exclusive representative of the Lower Swatara Township Police Department.
On January 9, 2018, Local 776 filed a petition of representation with the National Labor Relations Board on behalf of the warehouse workers at Veritiv in Lemoyne PA. The company fought back against the Unions request and petitioned to the NLRB the need to include the Veritiv drivers in with the warehouse workers in the vote. A hearing was held in January before the NLRB in which each side argued their case against who should be included in the eligible unit. For the next three months while the Labor Board was deciding on who would be eligible, the Union meet with the Veritiv drivers to discuss their needs and grievances with the company. Teamsters Local 776 received a majority of support from the drivers so Local 776 agreed to include the drivers from Veritiv. On June 8, 2018, the NLRB held a secret ballot election which now included all drivers and warehouse employees. The workforce voted overpoweringly in favor of joining Teamsters Local 776. On June 18, 2018, the NLRB Regional Director certified Teamsters Local 776 as the exclusive collective-bargaining representative of the drivers and warehouse workers at Veritiv.

Veritiv employees meet with their Bussiness Agent Eddie Sutton
Veritiv Inventory Control Coordinators
On June 22, 2018, Local 776 filed a petition for representation with the National Labor Relations Board on behalf of the inventory control coordinators at Veritiv in Lemoyne PA. The company argued that this group could not be represented by Local 776 because the Local was already representing the majority of the workforce at Veritiv. The NLRB ruled against the company and in favor of the Union. On August 20, 2018 the NLRB held a secret ballot election where all eligible inventory control coordinators voted 100% yes in favor of joining Teamsters Local 776.
Hershey Medical Center Surgical Technologists
On July 13, 2018, Local 776 filed a petition for representation with the National Labor Relations Board for the Surgical Technologists at Penn State Hershey Medical Center. This group wished to join the existing Teamster contract currently enforced at the Med Center. On August 8, 2018, the NLRB held a secret ballot election for the Surgical Technologists. The Surgical Technologists voted overwhelmingly YES in favor of becoming members of Teamsters Local 776.

All smiles for Teamster Representation with the sugical technicians at Hershey Medical Center!
On Behalf of Everyone at Teamsters Local 776 we would like to welcome all of our new members to the Teamsters!