Local 776 President Ed Thompson
Hello again,
It is almost a year since myself, the Executive Board, and the Business Agents took office. It has been a busy and productive year. We had many goals as we took office and I’m happy to report we are accomplishing them; increasing membership, increasing DRIVE participation, and staying in touch with the members to name a few.
One of our priorities was to maintain a presence in the York area. In 2013 the York Union Hall was abandoned. The doors were closed and all operations moved to Harrisburg as water continued to penetrate through a leaking roof. Upon taking office we took a hard look at alternatives to maintaining a York location and decided that the best way to move forward was to repair the York building and be located in OUR building, not a rental office. Presently the York Union Hall remains closed but I’m happy to report Joseph Smith Roofing of Langhorne, PA has replaced the roof. The roofers of Smith Roofing are Union members of the Roofers Union Local 30 in Philadelphia, PA. Work continues on the Hall to repair the ceiling and replace the carpeting that was damaged by the water. As the work progresses updates will be posted on the website.
We continue to communicate with the members through the website. Local Union as well as IBT information is regularly updated. Our first newsletter was mailed to the members in August. Look for additional newsletters periodically. If you missed the newsletter it is available on the website under “downloads” on the Member Resources page. Website daily traffic continues to increase and members are encouraged to register for the website.
The Local is strong financially. During the past year we have increased the general fund while also increasing our reserves.
As the year draws to a close and we all are caught up in the holiday spirit I would like to wish each and every member along with their families a happy holiday season and a safe and happy new year.
Ed Thompson, President