On behalf of the Officers, Agents, Staff, and myself, I would like to wish everyone a happy and safe Thanksgiving. More people travel for Thanksgiving than any other U.S. holiday. AAA predicts more than 80 million people are expected to head at least 50 miles to their Thanksgiving destination between Wednesday, November 26, and Sunday, December 1. Please be safe if you are traveling to gather with family and friends during the holiday.
We all have so much to be thankful for, please find a place in your heart for those less fortunate than us, and help them in any way you can. When enjoying your holiday dinner; remember the hungry, when enjoying good health; remember the sick, when with family and friends remember the lonely, and lastly, remember our military personnel, many of whom are away from their families and loved ones protecting the rights and liberties that we cherish in our great country.

Ed Thompson,
President, Teamsters Local 776
