All UPS Package Car Drivers in Local 776’s Jurisdiction: With the ratification of the new collective bargaining agreement there are important changes in the implementation of 9.5 language to reduce workdays below nine and one half (9.5) hours per day for those who wish to be covered by these provisions. The pertinent language of Article 37 states:
“The Union shall circulate and collect the names of package drivers who wish to be covered by the provisions of this Section twice each year. These lists shall be provided to the Company by January 5th and June 5th of each year. The Employer shall make a reasonable effort to reduce package car drivers’ workdays below nine and one half (9.5) hours per day for those on the list”.
Local 776 has provided Union Stewards in each package car operating center a form to use for the above stated purpose. Any driver wishing to utilize the 9.5 provisions of the agreement must do so on this form. See the form example below:

The language of Article 37 further states:
“Employees within the full-time driver classification shall be eligible for the protection of this Section provided: (1) the employee covers a route for a full week; (2) the employee bids or is assigned to cover a route for a full week but is prevented from completing that bid or assignment due to reassignment by the Employer; or (3) an employee with four (4) years of seniority as a full-time package driver.”
“The “opt-in” lists provided by the Union shall become effective on January 15th and June 15th. A driver may add or delete his/her name from the list at any time, with one week’s notice to the Employer”.
Local 776 is implementing this process to provide all package car drivers with a documented procedure to ensure that those wishing to take advantage of the 9.5 language are afforded that opportunity. If you have any questions first direct them to your Union Steward, if further assistance is required do not hesitate to contact me at the Union Hall.

David Licht, Business Agent
