Recently Local 776 Officers and Business Agents visited the terminals of ABF Freight and TForce Freight. The contingent spent time walking the dock at both facilities talking with the Members; and making themselves available to answer any questions the Members may have about their contracts.
While on the ABF dock, the Officers and Agents posed for a photo with a group of Members.
(L-R): ABF Member Kyle Linkhauer, Local 776 BA Spencer Dearth, Local 776 Secretary-Treasurer Ron Hicks, Local 776 President Ed Thompson, ABF Members Drew DeWalt, Ryan McMullen, Susan Oyler, Eric German, and last but not least Local 776 BA Dave Wolf.
Local 776 Trustee Rob Smiley (Center) discusses issues with Spencer, Ed, and Dave.
TForce Freight Member Lenny Massare (Seated) with Ron, Spencer, and Ed.
TForce Freight Member Tammy Romito smiles for the camera while pausing her tow motor to talk to Ed and Spencer.