It was a hot muggy day in Central PA last Sunday, about what you would expect for the beginning of August. The only thing hotter than the weather was the competition at Eagles Crossing Golf Course in Carlisle. Some of Local 776’s finest teed it up on Sunday, August 4, 2024, at Eagles Crossing Golf Course in Carlisle. Members were out to enjoy a day of friendship, food, prizes, and good-natured head-to-head competition. There was plenty of friendly competition on the course but bragging rights were on the line as members vied for first place in their respective flights, close to the pin competition, and longest drive. After the last putt dropped and the divots had all been replaced, the members enjoyed a steak dinner while they talked about the errant shot, the putt that would not drop, and all things golf while the scores were tallied.
As is the custom at Local 776 events, a 50/50 drawing was held to support the 776 Scholarship Fund. This year’s winner was Dave Bloss from UPS. The $500 Eagles Crossing Gift Card was also won by Dave Bloss! Talk about getting up on the right side of the bed, this guy had luck smiling on him today!
Some guys have all the luck!
Think you’ve got what it takes to tee up with these guys? We’ll be doing it again next year, so work on your game, get a foursome together, and come on out for a day of great golf, great food, and great fellowship!
The winners in the various flights and competitions were:
Championship Flight:
1ST Place: Robert Ingersoll-DCP, Jason Hammer-Retired DCP, Bob Fry-Retired DCP, and Scott Grieb-DCP.
2nd Place: Ryan Colatta-DCP, Lucas Udelhoven-DCP, Nate McKillop-DCP, and Randy Pope-Retired.
3rd Place: Joseph Reisinger-Perry County, Shelby Anderson-Perry County, Brian Weidow-Perry County, and Marshal Witmer-Perry County.
Second Flight:
1st Place: Lars Kline-ABF, Bruce Felty-ABF, Tim Hoffman-ABF, and Tyler Leber-ABF
2nd Place: Brad McIndoe-Retired, Tom Bauer-Retired, Ryan Chataginer- UPS, and Kenneth Geesey-Retired
3rd Place: Kevin Milakovic-ABF, James Mackey-Retired, Duane Green-ABF, and Jeff Kennedy-ABF.
Third Flight:
1st Place: Jim Handley-Retired, Mike Baten-Retired, Lynn Whitesel-Retired, and Robert Rife-Retired.
2nd Place: Ron Mangus-Retired, Kirby Booher-Bimbo Bakeries, Bill Blair-ABF, and Larry Whitekettle-Bimbo Bakeries.
3rd Place: Harold Snyder-Retired, Dave Nelson-Retired, Gary Martin-Retired, and Vince Warford-Retired.
Closest to the Pin #3: Abel Salazar-ABF
Closest to the Pin #7: Ron Madison-Retired
Closest to the Pin #13: Dylan Border-ABF
Closest to the Pin # 16 Kevin Snelbaker-UPS
Longest Drive Ladies Tees: Shelby Anderson-Perry County
Longest Drive Senior Tees: Kevin Smith-Retired
Longest Drive White Tees: Marshal Witmer-Perry County
Additional photos from the tournament, including group photos of all the fearsome foursomes can be found in the Photo Gallery under "Golf Tournament 2024". See everybody next year!