Welcome To Teamsters Local 776 Teamsters Local 776 is the largest Teamsters Local in Pennsylvania. Chartered by the International Brotherhood of Teamsters in 1937, we are located in South-Central PA. Our diverse mix of over 8,500 members work in six different counties.
Mobile App Installation To begin using the Local 776 Mobile App follow these simple steps:
1. Download the Android or Apple version from the local 776 website via your smartphone browser by selecting the appropriate download button above. Follow the prompts to install the app on your device. If installing on an Apple device select yes to allow push notification messages. Once installed the app will open to the main page.
2. If you are NOT currently a registered user of the Local 776 website and do not receive email messages from Local 776 then select “App Registration” from the menu and complete the form where it says “New User Registration". Existing Local 776 website users can skip this step.
3. That’s it! Once you are a registered user of the App you will receive push notifications from Local 776.
4. Additionally, if you are a registered user of the website and would like to receive employer specific notifications from Local 776 follow these easy steps:
1. This step will only have to be completed one time. Once your App Registration is approved or if you are an Existing Local 776 user, you will need to log in to the app next. Click Member Resources from the main page (Android users will need to select Member Home next) then enter your website username and password in the pop up log in box to log in.
2. After completing this step, you will receive employer specific notifications from Local 776
What's New at IBT 776 The Local 776 Retirees Club meets on January 15, 2025. Marianne Dobbins is the guest speaker for the January Retiree Group meeting. She is a licensed independent broker who helps seniors navigate the waters of Medicare. Marianne's goal is to help people understand the best options provided by understanding Medicare.
Additionally, the Retiree Group has undertaken its Membership campaign. Everyone should be receiving a letter in the mail.
The Retirees Club is for all Local 430 and Local 776 Retirees. Come on out; the meeting starts at 10:00 AM at the Camp Hill Union Hall.
Robert "Bob" Zimmerman retired in December after working for Juniata County at the 911 Center. Bob started as a correctional officer/dispatcher at the Juniata County Jail as the COs handled both jobs. When the jobs were separated in 2000, he moved to the new 911 dispatch center. While working for Juniata County, he was a long-time Local 776 Union Steward.
Bob and his wife Heather have two sons, a daughter, and three grandchildren who will be vying for additional attention now that he's retired. Both attending dirt track races and deer hunting should get more attention with his retirement. While Heather is still working, Bob is doing some home remodeling and trying to keep his "Honey Do" list manageable!
Looking back, Bob commented: "I enjoyed working with the Union and the Business Agents. At first, my BA was Kevin, and then I had a second-generation BA with his son Mark!"
From everyone at Local 776, congratulations on your retirement, Bob. Enjoy it!
Local 776 Business Agent Mark Cicak (R) memorializes Bob's retirement with a Teamsters watch!
Ralph Speece retired from Hershey Medical Center after amassing 40 years of Teamster membership. Ralph started his career at HMC in the kitchen, working up to a cook's position. Looking for a change, he transferred to medical supplies/ materials, where he worked as a group leader in the various store rooms.
Ralph served as a Union Steward for 25 years. He was involved in the negotiation of five contracts. After 25 years, he resigned as a Steward, leaving that position to some younger Members!
Ralph and his wife Jill plan on traveling as he eases into retirement. They also enjoy going to the beach. With the free time, Ralph is looking forward to playing golf again. During his time at HMC, the foursome he played on won the Local 776 golf tournament!
Looking back on his time with Local 776, Ralph remarked: "I had a good career at Hershey. I enjoyed my time with the Union working on the contracts. I learned a lot about the process and had the respect of the Members."
Congratulations on your retirement, Ralph. Enjoy it. We might see you at the golf tournament in August!
Ralph displays his Teamsters Retirement Watch!
The application process for scholarships from the James R. Hoffa Memorial Scholarship Fund is now open. The deadline for application completion is March 1, 2025. Academic scholarships ranging from $1,000 to $10,000 and Vocational/Training program scholarships ranging from $500 to $2,000 are available to High School seniors who are the sons/daughters/financial dependents of Teamster members (including members of the BLET, BMWED, TCRC, TCRC-BMW). In 2024, the Fund awarded $1.2 million in scholarships to Teamster children across the U.S. and Canada.
Direct Link to Apply: https://aim.applyists.net/JRHMSF/
Program Key: JRHMSF
James R. Hoffa Memorial Scholarship Fund
IBT UnionActive Newswire Updated: Jan. 16 (21:16)
Shift to Remote-Controlled Dams, Trains Raises Unions’ Alarm Teamsters Local 355 Shift to Remote-Controlled Dams, Trains Raises Unions’ Alarm Teamsters Local 992 Assessing Biden’s NLRB Teamsters Local 355 Assessing Biden’s NLRB Teamsters Local 992 Hollywood Teamsters Come to Aid of LA Fire Station Without Power Teamsters Local 355 Retirees Club Meeting Teamsters Local 776 UnionActive Newswire Join the Newswire!
Updated: Jan. 17 (04:04)
Shift to Remote-Controlled Dams, Trains Raises Unions’ Alarm Teamsters Local 355 Shift to Remote-Controlled Dams, Trains Raises Unions’ Alarm Teamsters Local 992 Safe Staffing - Survey New Mexico Hospital Workers Union Quarterly Zoom CWA Local 2222 IBEW Member Survey IBEW Local 768 Bro. Matt Evans GoFundMe IBEW Local 100 Teamster Nation News Teamster News Updated Daily
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