On January 15, Local 776 President Ed Thompson, Vice-President Chalmer Edgin, Business Agent Spencer Dearth, and Organizer Ashley Cerzullo traveled to New Hyde Park, NY, to attend a rally supporting Costco Teamsters deep in contract negotiations. Before the rally, they joined Teamsters General President Sean O'Brien, General Secretary-Treasurer Fred Zuckerman, Warehouse Director Tom Erickson, and Costco Teamsters in practice picketing at a Costco store in Westbury, NY, to give Costco advanced notice of the seriousness of the approaching final week of bargaining.

Local 776 VP Chalmer Edgin, Organizer Ashley Cerzullo, Abd President Ed Thompson "Practice Picket" with the Costco Members. That's Local 776 Business Agent Spencer Dearth behind the camera!
"We are going to win the strongest collective bargaining agreement in the history of Costco," O'Brien said. "Our members deserve nothing less. If we don't have an acceptable contract by January 31, this company will face the full force of the Teamsters Union. The rally ended with a clear message from President O'Brien that if Costco doesn't step up, they will be striking themselves.
The last round of negotiations begins Monday near Costco's corporate headquarters in Issaquah, Washington. Costco Teamsters demand the strongest possible contract and are prepared to strike to secure it. The Costco Teamsters National Master Agreement expires on January 31, protecting more than 18,000 Teamsters. "We do not want to strike, but if Costco refuses to meet us at the bargaining table with the respect we deserve, we are ready to do whatever it takes," said Lance Knowles, a Costco worker in New York and a member of Local 210. "We will not back down. We will not accept anything less than a contract that sets the standard in the retail industry."

IBT General President Sean O'Brien delivers a clear message to Costco management

Costco Teamsters stand united for a strong contract!