Robert "Bob" Zimmerman retired in December after working for Juniata County at the 911 Center. Bob started as a correctional officer/dispatcher at the Juniata County Jail as the COs handled both jobs. When the jobs were separated in 2000, he moved to the new 911 dispatch center. While working for Juniata County, he was a long-time Local 776 Union Steward.
Bob and his wife Heather have two sons, a daughter, and three grandchildren who will be vying for additional attention now that he's retired. Both attending dirt track races and deer hunting should get more attention with his retirement. While Heather is still working, Bob is doing some home remodeling and trying to keep his "Honey Do" list manageable!
Looking back, Bob commented: "I enjoyed working with the Union and the Business Agents. At first, my BA was Kevin, and then I had a second-generation BA with his son Mark!"
From everyone at Local 776, congratulations on your retirement, Bob. Enjoy it!

Local 776 Business Agent Mark Cicak (R) memorializes Bob's retirement with a Teamsters watch!